Creative Marketing Programs (CMPkc) is a full-service marketing firm specializing in healthcare digital marketing, direct mail, database and CRM solutions. We are experts at New Mover communications that lead to significant downstream revenue. As an early leader in IP Direct Marketing, our digital experts can help healthcare marketers take full advantage of this industry-leading technology. Contact us today to connect more effectively with your target audience and ignite your ROI.
Surround New Movers with Innovative Direct Mail & Digital Marketing Using an Evidence-Based Marketing Approach.
Nearly 40% of New Movers are relocating from outside your market area and will be searching for a new healthcare partner. With CMPkc’s powerful approach utilizing new digital technology and innovative direct mail, healthcare marketers can successfully engage New Movers.
Connect physical addresses to IP addresses to sync your display ads with direct mail/email campaigns. This patented technology makes it easy to place targeted digital ads under a single rooftop based solely on the mailing address, all without the use of cookies.
CMPkc's approach to direct mail is as innovative as its implementation of digital marketing. When marketers combine direct mail with IP Direct Marketing, they create a multi-channel approach that produces the highest ROI. In addition, for marketers who wish to show their physical proximity to their target audiences, CMPkc's custom print and interactive mapping technologies provide next-level engagement.
Discover how our mapping technology seamlessly connects prospects to your locations. Explore our live demonstration on the Good Hospital webpage, where we have pinned locations around Kansas City showcasing the functionality and effectiveness of our technology.
All of our key employees receive HIPAA Awareness for Business Associates training. We regularly and willingly enter into Business Associate Agreements with healthcare organizations. We are compliant with HIPAA's requirements relating to privacy, confidentiality and security of Protected Health Information (PHI). Since 1985, we've been building and maintaining databases with these ideals in mind. Utilizing sound business practices and the highest ethical principles has guided us in the creation of extremely successful healthcare marketing campaigns for our clients. Healthcare organizations can trust CMPkc to adhere to the most stringent privacy standards.