CMPkc has always taken a scientific approach to testing all elements of our targeted campaigns, with a special emphasis on New Mover programs. We've conducted hundreds of tests on formats, messaging, offers, targeting and more. Our New Mover campaigns provide our healthcare, retail and other clients with an immediate competitive edge.
Given our 35+ year history of improving campaign performance by conducting relentless A/B Split Testing, our clients immediately benefit from the knowledge we’ve gained. We put our best performing tactics to work for our clients.
Like many direct response agencies, we started our testing journey with direct mail. We were among the first to combine targeted digital advertising with direct mail to create a significant lift in response. From the initial response, we then work with clients to measure the direct financial impact to their operations. From digital banner ads to innovative direct mail, CMPkc’s Evidence-Based Marketing approach positions your future campaigns' success to achieve the highest ROI.
Below is a quick overview of some of the testing that has led to our proven New Mover engagement campaigns.
In the course of our work, CMPkc produces evidence – mountains of it. We’re relentless about testing and analysis, resulting in more cost-effective strategies and greater accuracy for your targeting efforts.
We make it easy for our clients to view the results of their marketing campaigns. Our automated programs include monthly or quarterly campaign reports that provide campaign analytics.
At CMPkc, we are serious about providing clients with the data they need to prove positive Return on Investment (ROI).
“From digital marketing to direct mail to online direct response, CMPkc is committed to testing. The market will always teach us the most cost-effective strategy to engage consumers. Testing leads to market-share growth.”
Dwight Orr
CMPkc President
CMPkc would like to learn about your marketing objectives and explain how our marketing solutions can help ignite your ROI.
We'd really like the opportunity to discuss your marketing objectives and how CMPkc’s approach to marketing solutions can ignite your ROI.