target new-mover new-parent aid-kit briefcase coin-dollar spoon-knife connection
Our Approach

Marketing to the Interested

From digital IP targeting campaigns to New Mover marketing programs, CMPkc has perfected engagement strategies that lead to positive ROI for our clients. Our consumer engagement strategies are designed to motivate your target audiences to interact and to encourage them to learn more about your products and services. Whenever possible, we collect and store data provided from interactions, so you can send subsequent, relevant communications. We call this “marketing to the interested,” and it is far more effective than any segmentation scheme or modeling algorithm.

We Create a Connection Between Our Clients & New Movers

CMPkc Helps Clients Ignite Their ROI.

New Mover Marketing Program

Many of our clients experience double-digit response rates and a very low cost per acquisition with this program.

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Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Our unique strategies help you identify interested consumers and build relationships and loyalty.

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IP Direct MarketingTM

Connect physical addresses to IP addresses to sync your display ads, pre-roll video and Over-the-Top (OTT) video with direct mail/email campaigns. This patented technology makes it easy to place banner and video ads under a single rooftop based solely on the mailing address, all without the use of cookies.

New Mover houses

New Movers

Digitally engage New Movers in as little as 24 hours.

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IP Targeting

Convert physical addresses to IP addresses to sync your display ads with direct mail/email campaigns.

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Combine Online Marketing with Direct Mail to Ignite Your ROI

CMPkc offers Innovative
Print & Online Mapping


CMPkc's approach to direct mail is as innovative as its implementation of digital marketing. When marketers combine direct mail with IP Direct Marketing, they create a multi-channel approach that produces the highest ROI. In addition, for marketers who wish to show their physical proximity to their target audiences, CMPkc's custom print and interactive mapping technologies provide next-level engagement.

  • Custom real-time drive distance calculations between your physical locations and your target audience’s residence
  • Use PURLs driving consumers to landing page
  • Optimized online forms drive response rates
  • Marketing automation delivers ongoing relationship management

More than New Mover Marketing

CMPkc has long mastered the art of new mover marketing. We also help clients with location-based marketing. We use many of the same mapping strategies to help consumers understand their proximity to our client’s closest locations. We perform custom calculations to measure the drive distances between your target audiences home and all your locations. We can also do drive-route mapping that clearly communicates the proximity of your grand openings to your target audiences.

Successful Partnerships

Hospitals &
Healthcare Systems

New patient acquisition is made easier with a strategic, proven New Mover Program and other targeted marketing campaigns.

Grocery Stores
& Pharmacies

CMPkc combines direct mail with targeted IP Direct Marketing, resulting in a 4.7% conversion rate to affinity club registrations. We also achieve a 5.8% response rate to the PURL landing page.

Financial Institutions

By simply running online display ads just a few days before direct mail and email campaigns, clients have seen a 52% increase in new customer acquisition.

B2B Clients

For B2B clients, CMPkc combines innovative digital marketing with direct mail to improve lead generation results.


Implementing digital and direct mail strategies, we are helping the hospitality industry increase lunch, dinner and late-night traffic.

Let's Get Started

We'd really like the opportunity to discuss your marketing objectives and how CMPkc’s approach to can ignite your ROI.